All posts tagged: geek

Some Actual Video Games For Women (And men, and anybody who’d want to play them, really)

This morning I was oh so innocently scrolling through twitter, as I found somebody tweeting about an article about “Video Games for Women”. The article in question was coming from a German Lifestyle-Blog mainly gearde towards, well, women and it could not have been more disappointing .My first instinct was to write about this article, drag it, talk about how toxic it actually was and how it was playing into so many stereotypes. But I won’t.Yes, the listicle mainly lists mobile games (Cake Shop 2, for example … Because women cook and bake you guys! So feminist!) and Sudoku (yes …

3 Multiplayer Games for Single Players

I’m not a huge multiplayer. I prefer Single Player Games. There’s several reasons for that: Fisrt of all, I enjoy a good story, something that usually gets lost in multiplayer games. They’re usually more about gameplay and that’s totally fine! We as gamers are such a diverse community, not just in race, gender and sexuality but also in tastes and priorities.Multiplayer games are also more about competition, something that isn’t quite my thing. I usually want to explore a game on my own, at my own time and so on. And lastly there’s something very deterring about having complete strangers …

Picture for the about me page

The Geeky Gal – Introduction

So it’s done: The page is set up, the first articles are written. I’m sitting here, thinking about what to tell you about myself. I don’t want to be weird oder obnoxious, don’t want tot alk to much about myslef, as to not appear arrogant or worse – boring. But I’d still like to introduce myself and extend a hand to possible readers. I am a 20-year old student. I play video games. Hell, I study videogames! And I enjoy writing. I enjoy sharing my opinions and passions with others and I’d love to hear about yours! So: I’ve decided …