All posts tagged: gaming

Play a game with me … Dungeons and Lesbians

Hey! Those of you following me on social media (or knowing me IRL) may have noticed that I have been promoting’s “Racial Justice and Equality” Bundle … There’s no real reason behind it except that I actually like the idea and it’s something I want to support. You get a massive amount of games, engines, assets, pnps and so much more for 5$ or more and all of the proceeds will be donated to Black Lives Matter!And as gamers we have a huge problem of racism, sexism and homophobia within our community (mostly with mainstream following people I feel …

gaming list

2020 Gaming List

In case you haven’t read my 2020 Reading List, here’s the deal: A while ago I updated this sweet little site of mine with reading, watching and currently playing lists respectively. I did so quickly and I did so in an attempt to give this blog more shape and to get a better connection to everyone who may stumble upon it. Well, I felt inspiration strike this morning and I want to do this a little differently, now: Instead of adding specific titles to the list I’m gonna go more by concept and ideas and general categorizations. This way I …

Hidden Gems: The Cave

Life has been stressfull the last couple of months and I have not been as productive as I had hoped. But breaks also enable me to think about the content that I’d like to make: I have many ideas buzzing through my head but I’ll have to start small. So I decided to introduce a new – possible – series: Hidden Gems. I’d love to shine a spotlight on underestimated, forgotten or underappreciated game. Games I just recently discovered, games I think are poorly know, games I fell in love with. So I’m starting today – introducing: The Cave Assemble …

Some Thoughts on Actual Sunlight

I recently finished playing Actual Sunlight. It’s not the longest game or the prettiest game and you probably never heard of it to begin with ( I mean, if you have, good on you!). But all that fits in perfectly well with the game itself and its protagonist: Actual Sunlight is not a happy game. It’s a game about depression and loneliness. The short description on steam reads: Take a walk on the thin line between hope and despair in Actual Sunlight: A short interactive story about love, depression and the corporation. Disclaimer Steam also gives a disclaimer: The game …

Some Actual Video Games For Women (And men, and anybody who’d want to play them, really)

This morning I was oh so innocently scrolling through twitter, as I found somebody tweeting about an article about “Video Games for Women”. The article in question was coming from a German Lifestyle-Blog mainly gearde towards, well, women and it could not have been more disappointing .My first instinct was to write about this article, drag it, talk about how toxic it actually was and how it was playing into so many stereotypes. But I won’t.Yes, the listicle mainly lists mobile games (Cake Shop 2, for example … Because women cook and bake you guys! So feminist!) and Sudoku (yes …

3 Multiplayer Games for Single Players

I’m not a huge multiplayer. I prefer Single Player Games. There’s several reasons for that: Fisrt of all, I enjoy a good story, something that usually gets lost in multiplayer games. They’re usually more about gameplay and that’s totally fine! We as gamers are such a diverse community, not just in race, gender and sexuality but also in tastes and priorities.Multiplayer games are also more about competition, something that isn’t quite my thing. I usually want to explore a game on my own, at my own time and so on. And lastly there’s something very deterring about having complete strangers …

Picture for the about me page

The Geeky Gal – Introduction

So it’s done: The page is set up, the first articles are written. I’m sitting here, thinking about what to tell you about myself. I don’t want to be weird oder obnoxious, don’t want tot alk to much about myslef, as to not appear arrogant or worse – boring. But I’d still like to introduce myself and extend a hand to possible readers. I am a 20-year old student. I play video games. Hell, I study videogames! And I enjoy writing. I enjoy sharing my opinions and passions with others and I’d love to hear about yours! So: I’ve decided …