All posts tagged: connichi

Mabel Pines – Connichi 2019 Cosplay Gallery

Finally: Here are my Mabel Pines Cosplay pictures all collected in one gallery. Edit/Pic by @michiruangelika on InstagramBill @straci_san on InstagramDipper @xx.kouta.xx on Instagram Some Pics were taken by a friend (no Social Media)Some were edited by me If you want to know more, please check the notes underneath the pictures. Please check out some of the other galleries SheRa Kiki Or pay me a visit on Social Media TwitterTumblrInstagramInstagram – Art

SheRa Cosplay Gallery – Connichi 2019

Here is the collection of my SheRa Cosplay pictures from Connichi 2019. I finally went on to collect my She-Ra Cosplay photos from Connichi into a gallery. I’m currently redoing some things about this costume so stay tuned! Pictures were taken by a friend (no Social Media) and partially edited by me. I have includet the edited Instagram-Versions as well as the unedited ones. Check out the other cosplay galleries: KikiMabel Pines Say hi on Social Media, while you’re at it! TwitterTumblrInstagramInstagram – Art

Kiki's Delivery Service Cosplay photo 07

Kiki Cosplay Gallery – Connichi 2019

I went on to collect my Kiki Cosplay pictures and gathered them together in this gallery. Character: Kiki from Studio Ghiblis Kiki’s Delivery Service The pictures were taken by a friend (no Social Media) and edited by me. Please check out the other galleries SheRaMabel Pines And pay me a visit on Social Media TwitterTumblrInstagramInstagram – Art

[GER] Connichi – Rückblick

Puh … Die letzten paar Wochen waren anstrengend. Erst im Urlaub, kaum angekommen ging es weiter nach Kassel – auf die Connichi! Man muss dazu sagen: Ich war lange nicht mehr auf Cons. Ich war letztes Jahr auf der Gamescom und auf der PLAY18 aber beide waren atmosphärisch anders … Connichi ist eine Convention organisiert von Animexx e.V. – damit ehrenamtlich! – und fand zum ersten Mal 2002 statt. Während sich die Gamescom z.B. eher an die Industrie selbst richtet ist die Connichi von Fans für Fans. Die Atmosphäre ist also komplett anders – meines Erachtens nach viel angenehmer. Man …