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3 Multiplayer Games for Single Players

I’m not a huge multiplayer. I prefer Single Player Games. There’s several reasons for that:

Fisrt of all, I enjoy a good story, something that usually gets lost in multiplayer games. They’re usually more about gameplay and that’s totally fine! We as gamers are such a diverse community, not just in race, gender and sexuality but also in tastes and priorities.
Multiplayer games are also more about competition, something that isn’t quite my thing. I usually want to explore a game on my own, at my own time and so on.

And lastly there’s something very deterring about having complete strangers on voice chat. I am so sorry but I do not wish to be screamed at by 12-year olds.

For a long time I’ve avoided anything tagged „multiplayer“ with a passion and accuracy and could never bring to anything of real importance.

But I’m trying to change that: I’d like to be more social in my anti-social endevours. So here are a few games I’ve kinda grown to love even though there not usually up my alley, here are 3 Multiplayer Games for Single Players:

  1. Monster Prom

Monster Prom is amazing. Seriously. It’s a four player dating-sim and simply that’s already something of mention, given that usually dating sims are to be played alone. With the lights out. And your door locked.

I played through the demo at gamescom with some friends and we had a blast. We didn’t get around to playing the whole thing yet, due to scheduling issues but we will and it is going to be awesome (I’m also not sure wther or not I’m going to include it in my „Declutter your Steam” , given that it’s no fun alone, but we’ll see).

The plot is rather simple: You and your friends are students at a highschool – no ordinary highschool, mind you, but a school for monsters (obviously) – and prom is coming up. It’s up to you to find a date to take.

What’s very interesting is how player order is being determined: It’s almost like playing one of those old-timey board games, really. The game tells you and your friends to name a brand, movie, etc. and then gives one of you the choice: Whose chosen brand would be most likely to take over the world? Or other questions like that.
I should also probably warn you: The humour in this game gets innapropriate, dark and NSFW fast. I found it to be quite charming and funny and never tasteless. If that’s not up your alley, maybe pick another one.

Why is it on the list?

Well … Monster Prom is on here because is fun, really. But that’s not a qualifier, now is it? If you’re like me and you’ve been quite deterred by starneg twelve year olds screaming obscenities at you while playing, try having your friends scream obscenities at you for a change.
No but seriously: This game is on local multiplayer so you don’t have to go online. So if you just wanna dip your toes in and have some fun with your friends – this is the game for you!


  1. Overwatch

I have recently started playing Overwatch. One of my friends from Uni had a license left over and so I got started.
It’s one of those games that seemed like an absolute nightmare to me: Sensory overload and a bunch of children screaming at me over voice channel! And I already had some of the latter but just mute them …

And don’t get my wrong: It’s quite hard to find a strategy and character that properly fits your playing style but Overwatch makes it easier than other games.

Why is it on the list?

I am regularily in awe about how much love goes into the game! There is so much additional content, both canonically and fan made it’s amazing! For somebody who’s always been annoyed by the lack of story-oriented content this is perfect. That plus the fact on how easy it is for new players to get into it.

  1. Starbound

Most of you are probably already familiar with Starbound. It’s an incredibly cute Indie-Game that’s all about space exploration. You can play it alone but you don’t have to. You also don’t have to play it with strangers but with your friends over online coop. Build huge colonies together, craft weird and funny outfits or just go exploring the vast yet exciting emptiness of space.

Why is it on the list?

No stranger hassle, yet playable online with your friends. Also Starbound gives you a lot of freedom and no competition wich makes it fun yet relaxing.

I hoped you enjoyed this small list of Multiplayer Games for Single Players. I’m very that I didn’t add more but this is still an ongoing journey for me.

If you have any games you’d like to see on here or you would recommend me, please let my know! I’d love to see your list of Multiplayer Games for Single Players!


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